*October 2nd*

Wanting to know why my parents, teachers and other adults want me to do something is like "an itch for which there is no scratch!" Nothing good actually comes from all my questioning.

It seems like I am "always" trying to "figure things out." Just about the time I think I have people "figured out" though, then I get all "confused" again! Some how I keep believing if I can only put my finger exactly on the one thing that is the reason I'm confused about people, the thing that is bothering me will just simply vanish away. Only it really never happens this way.

What is important, however, and within my God-given powers to figure out, is what am "I" doing that confuses and complicates my life. When I discover this, and do something to change it, what will vanish will be a good number of "my own" troubles!

Today's Reminder
May I be the kind of person that I need to be for my family and friends. May I learn to find what is good in others, including my parents, and be quick to appreciate it. This, and God's love for me, will be all I will need to bring happiness to my life. I will learn to stop always asking "Why do people do the things they do!!!", then only do things to change my own.

"Leave off that excessive desire of knowing; therein is found much distraction. There are many things the knowledge of which is of little or no profit to the soul."
(Thomas A'Kempis)

[Taken and fashioned from "One Day At A Time In Al-Anon"
for general family relationships by Jim Hogue, MA, MFTI]

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