*October 8th*

I am told that I can help yourself, no matter how great my burdens and troubles are. But sometimes I think: "Easy for you to say, but you don't know what "I'm" going through!"

However, am I building up little things into giants, so that those things would seem unberable? I know I'm not the only one who does this. Many other people do. We may magnify disagreements about money for instance, or did my parents and teachers talk to me right when they told me what to do! Yes, I can expand minor slights into huge grievances. Without realizing it, I'm looking for trouble and am ready to fasten onto little things that I could easily pass over, if I really want peace and happiness in my life.

Today's Reminder
If I don't make big problems out of little ones, I can save myself much grief. Fighting for my "rights" often creates more difficulty than accepting less than I expect. If I really value peace on the inside of me, I will avoid making big issues out of small ones. Giving in, and letting go, becomes easier as I practice it, and it pays big dividends in my own inner satisfaction.

"Why are you troubled because things do not succeed according to your desire? Who is there who has all things according to his will? Neither I, nor you, nor any man upon earth."
(Thomas A'Kempis)

[Taken and fashioned from "One Day At A Time In Al-Anon"
for general family relationships by Jim Hogue, MA, MFTI]

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