*September 15th*

A good way to "get out from under" some of the problems I have each day, is to stop "reacting" to everything that happens around me. Sometimes I have a constant drive to do "something" about everything that someone says to me.

However, it is good for me to remember that there is a time to act on what is said to me, and a time "not" to act on what is said to me. It is best that my action be based on careful thinking out what can happen afterwards. What I say or do should not be triggered by every "wind that blows." When something displeases me, it isn't a threat to my life, my safety, or anything that is actually important to me. Noing this will make it easier for me to not let many things bother me.

Today's Reminder
I will try to overcome my tendency to react to what people say or do. I can't know why people say some things they say. When I "react", I put the control of my peace of mind in the hands of others. My happiness is under "my" control, and I will not let someone else take it away from me, by tricking me to react to them in anger.

"I pray for the tolerance and the wisdom to avoid reacting to what other people say and do."

[Taken and fashioned from "One Day At A Time In Al-Anon"
for general family relationships by Jim Hogue, MA, MFTI]

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