*September 23*

I must admit to myself that there are times I try to "run the show." At those times, it doesn't matter what my parents or anyone else has to say. This kind of deception I create only increases my frustrations in life, as well as the frustrations of others in my family. Doing this makes my home a battleground. My frustration in life then causes me to be tricked by "lightening quick" changes of mood in others. It is like I become a "puppet" to the way other kids act in school and so on. Because of this is, I see it is necessary that I learn to detach my mind and emotions from the minute-by-minute conflict that happens around me. I will seek a peaceful and orderly way of life within me.

If we stop fighting every incident that happens, absence of an active adversary is bound to bring about wholesome changes in the home environment and everyone in it.

Today's Reminder
I will not try to outwit or outmaneuver anyone else, but will proceed quietly to live my life so I will have less reason for self-reproach. I will withdraw my mind from what others do, and think of what I am doing. I will not "react" to challenging words and actions.

"When you are offended at any man's fault, turn to yourself and study your own failings. Then you will forget your anger."

[Taken and fashioned from "One Day At A Time In Al-Anon"
for general family relationships by Jim Hogue, MA, MFTI]

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