*September 2nd*

The time has come for me to realize that my attitude, toward the life I am living and the people in it, can have a tangible, measurable effect on what happens to me day by day. There is no place where this is greater true, than how I feel and act towards my own family. If I am expecting good, good will surely come to me. Even when I show basic kindness to my parents, brother or sister, they are each more able to be nice to me in return. Awareness of others, a tolerant uncritical awareness of what they need, feel and think, will gradually change my personality for the better, and in the end, this would be good for me.

Today's Reminder
If I try each day to put my point of view and my attitudes on a sound spiritual basis, I know it will change all the circumstances of my life for the better also. I will see the results in the way other people respond to me and in the way my daily needs are met. Concern, love, and kindness on my part, will be reflected in everything that takes place in my life.

"Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and all these things shall be added unto you." (The Gospel of Matthew)

[Taken and fashioned from "One Day At A Time In Al-Anon"
for general family relationships by Jim Hogue, MA, MFTI]

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